Call for Papers

Wearable computing systems and applications have been attracting researchers and practitioners from a mix of interdisciplinary disciplines for many decades. The proliferation of wearable computing from smartphone and smartwatch based systems to on-skin interfaces and implantables have been fuelled by the advances in the underpinning technologies and the growing consumer acceptance. However, despite the fast growing maturity of wearable computing, there are still many important research challenges that need to be addressed, including but not limited to novel hardware and platform design, energy and computing efficiency, security and privacy, adherence and user experience.
We invite researchers, developers, designers, manufacturers, and users from a wide range of disciplines to exchange novel ideas, innovative solutions, and present results from real-world case studies in the area of wearable computing. To stimulate research on the most novel topics of wearable computing research, we encourage submissions of work that introduce groundbreaking ideas of wearable computing in concrete application scenarios and demonstrations in areas such as healthcare and wellness, virtual and augmented reality, supportive and collaborative work, education and training, biometrics and security, supporting applications and systems for first responders.
Highly disruptive work-in-progress and position papers are also welcome, provided they focus on particularly innovative solutions or applications for wearable computing. All papers shall be forward-looking, describe their relationship to existing work, and shall argue their impact and implications for ongoing or future research.

Topic of Interests

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Wearable systems and enabling technologies including
  • New platforms and hardware designs for wearable systems and applications
  • Innovative form factors of wearables such as glasses, earables, rings, textiles, on-skin interfaces, and personal protective equipment
  • Applications and use-case of wearable technologies interpreted broadly, including healthcare; sports; entertainment; education; virtual and augmented reality; collaborative work; research on behavior, psychology, and cognition
  • Data analytics, learning algorithms, data modeling, and signal processing for wearable computing
  • User experiences of wearable systems including adherence, engagement, and acceptability
  • Novel sensor technologies enabling and enhancing context-aware sensing
  • Privacy and security issues and associated enhancements for wearable computing
  • Low-power operation, energy management of wearable systems
  • Resource-efficient machine learning for wearable systems

Submission Instructions

Demo proposals must be accompanied with an additional 1-page description of the precise setup and requirements (the 1-page setup description will not be published in the proceedings). Reviews will be single-blinded. Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor being currently under review by another conference or journal. Papers should contain original material, namely, material that has not been previously published or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a single PDF file with all fonts embedded, using the ACM conference proceedings format. (Use the same PDF formatting guidelines as the main conference.) Paper length is limited to six (6) pages (two-column, 10-point format) including references, figures, etc. Papers must include the author names and affiliations for single-blind peer reviewing by the program committee. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: July 10, 2023
  • Acceptance Notification: August 2, 2023
  • Camera Ready Due: August 9, 2023
  • Workshop Date: October 6, 2023